Digital Voice Nets

February 9, 2025
February 10, 2025
  • YOTA Ocenia Net
    February 10, 2025  3:00 am - 5:00 am

    EchoLink *FREESTAR* Node 53022TGIF TG 23426 , YSF GB-FreeSTAR, Wires-X 41729
    It is our goal to get more young people interested in amateur radio and grow the amateur radio community. Youngsters On The Air is a quickly growing group of young radio amateurs from IARU Region 1.
    There’s so many ways to Connect to the FreeSTAR Network with whatever Analog or Digital technology you desire to a rapidly growing Multi-Mode amateur radio network. Visit our Live Dashboards to see what is hot and going on over the network. For more infomation, Check out the FreeSTAR Net Scheduler and the Guide to UK DMR Nets.

  • DV Scotland Multi-Mode Net
    February 10, 2025  4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

    EchoLink *FREESTAR* Node 53022, TGIF TG 23426 , YSF GB-FreeSTAR, Wires-X 41729
    There’s so many ways to Connect to the FreeSTAR Network with whatever Analog or Digital technology you desire to a rapidly growing Multi-Mode amateur radio network. Visit our Live Dashboards to see what is hot and going on over the network. For more infomation, Check out the FreeSTAR Net Scheduler and the Guide to UK DMR Nets.

  • Ham Radio Rookies Net
    February 10, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Starts on Ontario BM TG 3023, D-Star XLX302D, YSF XLX302, Wires-X 77353 - Dedicated to cross protocol amateur radio communication, experimentation, international relations and making contact no matter what flavor of radio. A Digital QSY Net, starting normally on the Ontario Crosslink and moving thru 3 stops over an hour on the way to the Quadnet Array.
    Ends on QuadNet Atlanta BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF Reflector XLX307, Wires-X 37099
    Come and practice your navigation skills, start or stop somewhere familiar and maybe jump through a mystery stop on the way. More details and keep up to date on the Ham Radio Rookies Facebook Group.

  • BRARA DMR BrainWaves Net
    February 10, 2025  7:30 pm - 7:45 pm

  • Sounds Good Net (Audio Related Topics)
    February 10, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    BM TG 31679, D-Star DCS679A, EchoLink *BLIND*, P25 31679, Peanut XLX679A, Wires-X 68022

    The Blind Hams site provides a multi-mode digital/analog bridge to connect blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators world-wide. CQ Blind Hams is a Podcast site and YouTube channel with reviews, tutorials, demos and a Round Table. Broadcastify 31624

  • Central Susquehanna DMR Net
    February 10, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  • International Boy Scout Fusion Net
    February 10, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    BM TG 51547, EchoLink *KAPIHAN*, *PINOY*, FCS00347-Kapihan, Peanut YSF-KPHN, YSF KAPIHAN, Wires-X 62145 - All Scouts, Scout Masters, Parents and Radio Amateurs are encouraged to check in and talk to scouts around the world.

  • PAPA DMR Roundtable Net
    February 10, 2025  11:00 pm - 11:59 pm

    PAPA Chat BM TG 31077 - Tech net to discuss DMR radios, repeaters, procedures, programming, hotspots, dongles and more. Southern California's Premier Repeater (PAPA System)

  • Alaska Statewide Net
    February 10, 2025  11:30 pm - February 11, 2025  12:00 am

February 11, 2025
February 12, 2025
  • Northeast PA NEPA Net
    February 12, 2025  1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

    North East PA BM TG 31424 - The repeaters in Eastern PA and the K1NRA repeater have this TalkGroup Full-Time as “Local 2” on DMR Slot 2.

  • Wednesday Night Net
    February 12, 2025  2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

    EchoLink *FREESTAR* Node 53022, TGIF TG 23426 , YSF GB-FreeSTAR, Wires-X 41729
    There’s so many ways to Connect to the FreeSTAR Network with whatever Analog or Digital technology you desire to a rapidly growing Multi-Mode amateur radio network. Visit our Live Dashboards to see what is hot and going on over the network. For more infomation, Check out the FreeSTAR Net Scheduler and the Guide to UK DMR Nets.

  • TAC 31002 Aloha DMR Net
    February 12, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    BM TG 31002 - The Aloha DMR Net is a group for notifications, links and general conversation. NCS Julie WH6FUW

  • TAG Multi-Mode Digital Net
    February 12, 2025  7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

    SouthEast Link BM TG 314722, D-Star DCS913D, EchoLink N4LMC-L, P25 43389, YSF US-Southeast-Link, Wires-X 43389 - The Lookout Mountain Amateur Radio Community, N4LMC strives to provide all modes of communication to the HAM community in Chattanooga, TN, NW GA, NE AL and surrounding areas.

  • Western PA Digital Voice Net
    February 12, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

  • Creek County ARES Fusion Net
    February 12, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Southern Tier Fusion Network, Wires-X Room 21424

    Entry points to the Southern Tier Fusion Network. When using these repeaters, do not use or concern yourself with Wires-X. Simply access the repeater in Digital Voice Narrow (DN) mode. The repeaters are already linked. Tier System Fusion Network 

    The Creek County ARES Group of Oklahoma hosts a weekly C4FM/Fusion/Wires-X net every Wednesday evening. The intent of this net is to exercise and become more familiar with Fusion and it's capabilities as well as discussing topics and situations as they arise pertaining to ARES Organizations and activities. 

    We look to share experiences and ideas on the day to day operations of an ARES group.  From ideas on Simulated Emergency Tests, Fox Hunts to Field Day operations.  We currently connect to the ARES groups from Chemung County, NY., Bradford County, PA. and others.

    Our local repeater in Sapulpa Oklahoma hosts the CCAO (Creek County ARES OK.) room #65539.  We alternate weekly with the Southern Tier System Fusion room N9RIM #21424 which is the room our ARES partners from the Southern Tier of New York area use as their home system.

    We would like to grow the group on Wednesday evenings to include other ARES organizations from around the region and even the country.  Collaboration like this can be good for everyone.  So we invite you to join us.  For an accurate schedule please go to the Creek County Amateur Radio Emergency Services Facebook Page or email me.  73, Mike Toole KI5EGH  

  • DMR-UTAH Net
    February 12, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Utah BM TG 3149 - Please join us every Wednesday for the DMR-UTAH Net. Check-ins are taken one at a time. Announcements, news, training, and a round table discussion are commonly held.

  • Southwest VA DMR Net
    February 12, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Virginia Statewide BM TG 3151 - The SWVA DMR Net is an open to all Amateur Radio operators to provide information and promote the use of the new digital modes.

  • Missouri DMR Net
    February 12, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

    Missouri BM TG 3129 - for Missouri DMR Net participants to stay in contact and ask questions pertaining to nets and other DMR info.

  • Amateur Astronomy Digital Voice Net
    February 12, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    QuadNet Array - BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF XLX307, Wires-X 45058 - Focused on amateur astronomy topics such as observing, imaging, telescope making, telescopes, binoculars, an other general astronomy topics. If you are an active amateur astronomer, or just enjoy looking up at the heavens, please join the conversation. The first Wednesday of every month will focus on those who are new to amateur astronomy or looking to get started.

  • Blind Hams Digital Net
    February 12, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    BM TG 31679, D-Star DCS679A, EchoLink *BLIND*, P25 31679, Peanut XLX679A, Wires-X 68022

    The Blind Hams site provides a multi-mode digital/analog bridge to connect blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators world-wide. CQ Blind Hams is a Podcast site and YouTube channel with reviews, tutorials, demos and a Round Table. Broadcastify 31624

  • Digital Learning Net
    February 12, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    An hour of Q&A about everything digital radio

    EchoLink W0SKY-L, AllStar 46079, BM 310847, D-Star XRF031C, IRLP 9875, M17-SKY, P25 10294, Wires-X 46361, YSF 92722 US-Skyhub-LinkCastle Rock Repeater Facebook Group, SkyHubLink System

  • North America Tech Net
    February 12, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

  • Illinois Digital Net
    February 12, 2025  9:30 pm - 11:00 pm

    Illinois Link BM TG 31171, D-Star DCS334G, YSF US-Illinois-Link, Wires-X 21565 - The Illinois Link is for any Amateur Radio Operator to use. Illinois Link Facebook Group, Illinois

  • Ham Nation After Show Net
    February 12, 2025  10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

    QuadNet Array - BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF XLX307, Wires-X 45058 - Any and all licensed amateur radio operators are welcome to join us to talk about topics covered during the show. Ham Nation on TWIT TV

  • PAPA System New Hams Net
    February 12, 2025  10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

    Southern California's Premier Repeater (PAPA System)
    EchoLink *PAPA*, Allstar 49171, BM TG 31078, D-Star XRF012A
    Echolink *DODROPIN*Allstar 52879BM TG 3162356IRLP 9616

February 13, 2025
  • EPA Digital Mobile Radio Net
    February 13, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    PA Crossmode BM TG 31425, D-Star DCS045A, YSF XLX045, Wires-X 43662 - The EPA Digital Mobile Radio Net is open to any amateur from anywhere. Using the PA Crossmode will permit just about every digital mode to check into the net.

  • K5TAL-TALARC American Legion Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    QuadNet Array - BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF XLX307, Wires-X 45058
    TALARC is 'The American Legion Amateur Radio Club' K5TAL. All hams are invited to check into the net and you do not have to be a veteran to check in. Operated as a means to communicate with other vets/hams regardless of the Digital Voice mode they have. Legion Monthly Net Schedule

  • Mid-Atlantic DMR Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Maryland Statewide BM TG 3124 - Formerly called "The Queen Anne’s Amateur Radio Club DMR Net" has expanded and diversified its footprint. We now have check-ins from all over the state as well as from DE and PA. You are invited to check-in and help make the net grow. Interstate Network Nets

  • Ham Radio Crash Course
    February 13, 2025  9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

    HRCC BM TG 31621, YSF US-HRCC-LINK, Wires-X 61221 - Utilize the HRCC Link and share about what we have been doing in Amateur Radio over the past week.

  • DMR Arkansas Amateur Radio Net
    February 13, 2025  10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

    Arkansas BM TG 3105 - A friendly net for exercising your DMR radio and getting to know your fellow ham radio operators. The net consists of checking in and participating with the question of the week. Anyone is welcome to check in no matter where you are from and talk to us DAARN hams. DAARN Hams 3105 Facebook Group

  • Northern California NORCAL
    February 13, 2025  10:00 pm - 11:00 pm

    NorCal BM TG 31068 - W0WC's BrandMeister DMR Nets - Check-ins will be taken first from stations operating through one of the 55 repeaters in Northern California, next from other stations in California and then from all other stations. Check-ins will be divided into four groups by call suffixes. During check-in let me know if you have any traffic or announcements for the net and we will get to those after roll call.

  • PAPA Tech Roundtable Net
    February 13, 2025  11:00 pm - 11:59 pm

    Southern California's Premier Repeater (PAPA System)
    EchoLink *PAPA*, Allstar 49171, BM TG 31078, D-Star XRF012A
    Echolink *DODROPIN*, Allstar 52879, BM TG 3162356, IRLP 9616

February 14, 2025
February 15, 2025
  • Blind Hams Digital Net
    February 15, 2025  10:00 am - 11:00 am
    BM TG 31679, D-Star DCS679A, EchoLink *BLIND*, P25 31679, Peanut XLX679A, Wires-X 68022

    The Blind Hams site provides a multi-mode digital/analog bridge to connect blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators world-wide. CQ Blind Hams is a Podcast site and YouTube channel with reviews, tutorials, demos and a Round Table. Broadcastify 31624

  • Medical Amateur Radio Council
    February 15, 2025  11:00 am - 12:00 pm

    QuadNet Array - BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF XLX307, Wires-X 45058 - The MARCO Digital Voice Net promotes good will and fellowship among amateur radio operators, worldwide, who are professionals in the healing arts, or who have an interest in the various medical, dental and allied fields which constitute the healing arts. On-the-air network operation is considered an integral part of MARCO activity, and is conducted for the purpose of discussing and exchanging medical and technical information, and, wherever possible, to be of public service by assisting medical emergencies and other priority traffic.

  • BrandMeister Worldwide Net
    February 15, 2025  12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
    12:00 pm World-Wide Check-ins, 2:00 pm North America Check-ins

    World-Wide BM TG 91 - The DMR-Brandmeister Worldwide Net is held weekly Saturday on the DMR-Brandmeister network to test the connectivity and linking of repeaters worldwide under stressed volumes. It is intended as a global forum for discussing news, information and developments related to Digital Mobile Radio. 

  • Wales Ragchew Net
    February 15, 2025  2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

    Wales BM TG 2356, EchoLink MB6IPG-L, Wires-X 85717 - The Wales Ragchew Net is a growing friendly net with operators joining from all over the U.K. and the world. The Live stream starts at 2:25pm so it can be shared. Wales Ragchew Podcast
    NCS MW7CCS wll call for five check ins at a time and then pass it round those people and take 5 more check ins. I will then continue to pass it round then once we are round everyone, ask if anyone else would like to check in. Wales Digital Radio Group

  • The Food Net
    February 15, 2025  4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

    QuadNet Array - BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF XLX307, Wires-X 45058
    The Food Net happens the third Saturday of the month. HAM stands for "Have Another Meal" and you don't call us late for dinner! Considering both Field Day operations and Hamfests, you need to keep the everyone happy and not hungry.

  • Digital Analogue Ham Net
    February 15, 2025  4:05 pm - 5:45 pm

    EchoLink *FREESTAR* Node 53022TGIF TG 23426 , YSF GB-FreeSTAR, Wires-X 41729
    There’s so many ways to Connect to the FreeSTAR Network with whatever Analog or Digital technology you desire to a rapidly growing Multi-Mode amateur radio network. Visit our Live Dashboards to see what is hot and going on over the network. For more infomation, Check out the FreeSTAR Net Scheduler and the Guide to UK DMR Nets.

  • Multi Mode Digital Voice Net
    February 15, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    QuadNet Array - BM TG 31012, D-Star DCS735A, YSF XLX307, Wires-X 45058 - If you can't make it to the net live, you can catch a recording of the previous weeks net at Soundcloud. Facebook users, check out the DMR Users Group and/or the D-STAR Users group and join in on the discussion there.

  • Southern Tier NY DMR Net
    February 15, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Southern Tier NY BM TG 31367Netlogger, Wires-X 83721 and Zoom Meeting
    The primary purpose of the Southern Tier NY DMR Net is to help foster an active DMR community in the Southern Tier and to provide a forum for those that are interested or have questions regarding various DMR topics. While this net is primarily for the Southern Tier, all stations are more than welcome to check in.

    This net is also simultaneously broadcast to a Zoom meeting. Those that are having difficulties getting on DMR, please join the Zoom meeting. After the net, the discussion moves over to Zoom for a ragchew or to ask questions. For more information or to ask questions, please join our Facebook Group.

  • GCARA DMR KnowItAllNet
    February 15, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  • Visually Inconvenienced Net
    February 15, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    BM TG 31679, D-Star DCS679A, EchoLink *BLIND*, P25 31679, Peanut XLX679A, Wires-X 68022

    The Blind Hams site provides a multi-mode digital/analog bridge to connect blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators world-wide. CQ Blind Hams is a Podcast site and YouTube channel with reviews, tutorials, demos and a Round Table. Broadcastify 31624
    Visually Inconvenienced Hams Facebook Group

  • 6-Meter / DMR Net
    February 15, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    Join in this Net each Saturday night on the Southwest Virginia BM TG 31513 bridged with the analog 6-meter FM repeater (53.01 MHz, no tone) in Lexington, VA. SWVA DMR Nets

  • International Wires-X Net
    February 15, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:30 pm

    America-Link BM TG 31656, EchoLink WO1VES-R, YSF US-America-Link, Wires-X 21080
    Listen, learn, interact and be part of the world wide amateur radio community living the Wires-X Fusion experience. America Link Facebook Group. Join us and check in!