EchoLink & AllStar Nets by W2JLD

February 8, 2025
February 9, 2025
  • The Flying Scotsmen Net
    February 9, 2025  7:00 am - 8:00 am
    EchoLink *HAM*, IRLP 9556, M17-432H

    ZL675 Net ON

  • WW Ragchew Amateur Radio Net
    February 9, 2025  11:00 am - 12:30 pm
    DMR Bridge BM 3150174, EchoLink W1SBW-L, YSF US-WWRCARB-US

    Join the fun on The World Wide Ragchew Amateur Radio Net as we try and have a different topic for each net.
    Also available on Echolink *DODROPIN*Allstar 52879BM 3162356IRLP 9616 until Noon when the DODROPIN switches to another net.

  • NEFG Tech Net
    February 9, 2025  3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    EchoLink WO1VES-R, Wires-X 28941, YSF US-WolfDen

    The New England Fusion Group is a ham radio club for ham radio operators in New England (and much much farther away) that would enjoy a new club devoted to Fusion radio. All Hams are welcome to join the net, see Wolf Pack Repeater System for details. The net covers topics of interest to operators living in the region, as well as Ham Radio related Discussion. There will be a question of the net and a Q&A portion at the end.

  • Raspberry Pi Net
    February 9, 2025  5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    EchoLink *ROC-HAM* Node 531091TGIF TG 23426, YSF GB-FreeSTAR, Wires-X 41729
    John W2JLD and Dave GW8SZL talk about Allstar, Linux, Supermon and everything Raspberry Pi.
    With a wide cast of characters and plenty of Pi to go around, join us as we sit back and enjoy great fellowship and most of all have fun while learning something new.
    For more information, check out the FreeSTAR Net Scheduler and the Guide to UK DMR NetsVisit our Live Dashboards to see what is hot and going on over the network.

  • The Iowa Net
    February 9, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    EchoLink *FRIENDS*, IRLP 9618

  • The KA2NDW Net
    February 9, 2025  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    EchoLink KA2NDW-R (or KA2NDW-L?)

    AllStar Links > 145.470 42594, 53.470 42595, 224.470 42596, 449.075 42597
    Clyde, NY

  • AMR Club Net
    February 9, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    EchoLink W4BOC-R.

    Weekly net of the Alford Memorial Radio Club, Stone Mountain, GA.

  • SDF Net - Technical Rag Chew
    February 9, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    EchoLink *TECHLINK*, IRLP 9556, M17-432H.

  • Sunday Evening Ragchew Net
    February 9, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    EchoLink *SCARS*, *HAM*, Allstar 27404 KB8ZGLIRLP 9614.
    The South Coast Amateur Radio Service brings our members and non-members together in a relaxed and informal atmosphere to enjoy a moderated ragchew. SCARS_Tech_Training.pdf

  • East Kentucky Regional Skywarn Net
    February 9, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink KE4GJG-R, WA4ROB-L, KY4OZ-R, KG4DVE-R, BM 312111

    Echolink KE4GJG-R, Allstar 29891 KE4GJG-R, Allstar 42898 WA4ROB-L, Allstar 43243, IRLP 9613 - 
    NWS-JKL/East Kentucky Weather Amateur Radio Network's London Regional SKYWARN Net,   Kentucky District 9 ARES Net, Lake Cumberland ARA

  • Hams In Broadcasting Net
    February 9, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Echolink *DODROPIN*Allstar 52879BM 3162356IRLP 9615 - The SBE IRLP HAMnet is a great way for broadcast engineers and other amateurs (any and all are welcome) to contact one another, share technical information, discuss broadcasting techniques and get the latest information on SBE programs and activities on a monthly basis.

    SkyHubLink/Society of Broadcast Engineers NET
    This net is run by the administrator of the SkyHub, Jack KE0VH. The net talks about topics related to Radio Broadcast and Amateur Radio. The first part is for the SBE operators to check in, then we hear from operators locally in Denver, and all over the world via the rest of the SkyHubLink system. The net generally runs 2 hours so check in when you can. We usually have a net question of the night and it always sparks good idea’s and information to share from ALL of our experiences in Ham Radio.
    The Net is open and ALL Amateur Radio operators are asked to check in with us. If you would like to be on the NET email list go to the Join/Contact page of
    Please see this link for more information:  

  • Kueka Lake ARC Net
    February 9, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink N2AAR-R

  • MCARC Sunday Night Ragchew
    February 9, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink K9ZEV-R

    Miami County Amateur Radio Club in Peru, IN - Open to all social net includes check-in, question/topic of the week and 73 round. Concludes with a brief CW message to decode. Listen to the K9ZEV Repeater on Broadcastify.

  • Michigan Upper Peninsula Net
    February 9, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    EchoLink *MICHIGAN*, IRLP 9617

  • Sunday Night Net
    February 9, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink *DODROPIN*, *SELINK*, BM 314722, P25 43389, TGIF 43389

    This is an open Net and is not affiliated with any club. All licensed HAMs are welcomed and encouraged to join us! We usually have between 60 and 70 check-ins.,  Echolink *DODROPIN*, Allstar 52879

  • Gateway Amateur Radio Club Net
    February 9, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    EchoLink K4GAR-R

  • LCARA Weather Net
    February 9, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

    EchoLink AC4DM-R - Lake Cumberland ARA, Ingle, KY

  • Disaster Communications Forum Net
    February 9, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    EchoLink *DCF-ARC* Emcomm Nets, IRLP 9257

    Australian & New Zealand EchoLink (ANZEL) Network 

  • HPARC Sunday Night Two Meter Net
    February 9, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    EchoLink W8HP-R, IRLP 4520

    The Hazel Park Amateur Radio Club welcomes all licensed amateur radio operators from anywhere in the world; you do not have to be an HPARC member to participate, nor do you need to be located in or near Hazel Park. Some of our net regulars come from as far as Sydney, Australia and the Kingdom of Thailand.

  • K5SAG Ragchew and Information Net
    February 9, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    EchoLink K5SAG-R

    Saginaw Amateur Radio Club, K5SAG, Saginaw, TX - Please join us on the air during our weekly ragchew and information net. Anyone is welcome, you don't have to be a member to join in. We take all check-ins including third party! If anything, just check in for the count with no traffic. Hope to hear you on the air.

  • WAN Repeater System Emergency Services Net
    February 9, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    BM TG 314230, EchoLink KB3AWQ-R - Wide Area Network Repeater System Emergency Services Net hosted by Cambria Radio Club ARES/ACS by AB3AA, W3TKR, KB3UIW, or N3SSD using W3WAN. Our Facebook Page

  • Illinois ARRL Digital Voice Net
    February 9, 2025  9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

    Illinois Link BM 31171, Allstar 42810, D-Star XL334G, DCS334G, XRF334G, EchoLink WB0VTM-L, NXDN 31171, P25 31171, TGIF 31171, Wires-X 21565, YSF US-Illinois-Link

  • Turnip Truck Net
    February 8, 2025  11:00 pm - February 9, 2025  12:00 am
    EchoLink W4BOC-R

    A late Saturday night social net of the Alford Memorial Radio Club, Stone Mountain, GA

February 10, 2025
    February 10, 2025  11:30 am - 12:30 pm
    EchoLink VU2WBR-R

    West Bengal Radio Club with VU2JFC

  • CNY Fireside Chat Net
    February 10, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    EchoLink KD2SL-R, N2DOW-L

    AllStar 28405 KD2SL-R, AllStar 47463 N2DOW-L 

  • Madison County ARES Net
    February 10, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    EchoLink KF4REN-R Richmond, KY

  • Miami County ARC ARES / RACES
    February 10, 2025  8:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    EchoLink K9ZEV-R

    Miami County Amateur Radio Club in Peru, IN - Operations net for check-ins and announcements. This net focuses on emergency communications skills. Listen to the K9ZEV Repeater on Broadcastify.

  • Sounds Good Net (Audio Related Topics)
    February 10, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    BM TG 31679, D-Star DCS679A, EchoLink *BLIND*, P25 31679, Peanut XLX679A, Wires-X 68022

    The Blind Hams site provides a multi-mode digital/analog bridge to connect blind and visually impaired amateur radio operators world-wide. CQ Blind Hams is a Podcast site and YouTube channel with reviews, tutorials, demos and a Round Table. Broadcastify 31624

  • The 220 Ragchewers Net
    February 10, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    EchoLink *FRIENDS*, IRLP 9618

  • Beaver County Public Service Net
    February 10, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink N3TN-R

    Triple "A" Amateur Radio Association (TAARA) serving Beaver County Pennsylvania. Triple A nets are open to all. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated. Public Service Net followed by the General Net at 9:00 pm.

  • Rochester VHF Group Net
    February 10, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    EchoLink KA2ENE-L - Rochester VHF Group 2m SSB Net (144.260 MHz USB)

  • Society of Broadcast Engineers HAMnet
    February 10, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    Echolink *DODROPIN*Allstar 52879BM 3162356IRLP 9615 - The SBE IRLP HAMnet is a great way for broadcast engineers and other amateurs (any and all are welcome) to contact one another, share technical information, discuss broadcasting techniques and get the latest information on SBE programs and activities on a monthly basis.

    SkyHubLink/Society of Broadcast Engineers NET
    This net is run by the administrator of the SkyHub, Jack KE0VH. The net talks about topics related to Radio Broadcast and Amateur Radio. The first part is for the SBE operators to check in, then we hear from operators locally in Denver, and all over the world via the rest of the SkyHubLink system. The net generally runs 2 hours so check in when you can. We usually have a net question of the night and it always sparks good idea’s and information to share from ALL of our experiences in Ham Radio.
    The Net is open and ALL Amateur Radio operators are asked to check in with us. If you would like to be on the NET email list go to the Join/Contact page of
    Please see this link for more information:

  • Triple A Amateur Radio Association Club Net
    February 10, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    EchoLink N3TN-R

    Triple "A" Amateur Radio Association (TAARA) serving Beaver County Pennsylvania. Triple A nets are open to all. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated.

  • Puget Sound Repeater Group Net
    February 10, 2025  10:30 pm - 11:30 pm
    EchoLink WW7PSR-R

    Allstar 2462 WW7PSR - Net control takes announcements, questions, and comments and accepts check-ins from members and non-members alike. Puget Sound Repeater Group,  Mike and Key ARC 

February 11, 2025
  • Absolute Tech Net
    February 11, 2025  7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    EchoLink *ABSOTECH*, *DODROPIN*, AllStar 52782, 52879, DCS 299 X (D-Star), DMR BM 310847, TGIF 326, TGIF 23426, IRLP 9616, Peanut GB FRE325, YSF 00-DoDropin.
    The Absolute Tech Net for ham radio operators and others that covers a broad spectrum of technology, not limited to ham radio devices or applications. Both new and neat-old technology will be covered.
    The net is also carried on the Blind Hams Bridge

  • Bay Bridge Net
    February 11, 2025  7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink VA3RRC-L, VE3TJU-R

    The Bay Bridge Net is a joint operation hosted by the Prince Edward Radio Club and the Quinte Amateur radio Club is named after the Norris Whitney Bridge, which symbolically links the two Amateur Radio Clubs. All Amateurs are invited to check in. Allstar 51001 VE3TJUAllstar 547730 VA3RRC

  • Ladies with a License Net
    February 11, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink K9ZEV-R

    Miami County Amateur Radio Club in Peru, IN - This social net is moderated by ladies and includes a check-in, question/topic of the week and 73 round. Open to all ladies (and gentlemen who wish to comment). Listen to the K9ZEV Repeater on Broadcastify.

  • The Ladies Net - Cabot STARS Club
    February 11, 2025  8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    EchoLink *TALKBOX*, Allstar 51448, BM 3119886, TGIF 6282
    First the ladies net at 8:00 pm, All ladies are welcome. They discuss favorite foods, recipes, and who knows what else. So, ladies come and join the net. After that we will have a net for everyone at 9:00 pm.
    The North American Talk Box on Broadcastify 32672 - Many amateur radio operators from different states either keep their personal nodes connected constantly, or connect often. Cabot STARS Club (W5STR), Cabot, AR

  • LCARA Emergency Net
    February 11, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

    EchoLink AC4DM-R - Lake Cumberland ARA, Ingle, KY

February 12, 2025
February 13, 2025
  • Defiance, OH ARC Skywarn Net
    February 13, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:00 pm

  • Oswagatchie Net
    February 13, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
    EchoLink WA2NAN-R

    Weekly net of the Oswegatchie Valley Amateur Radio Club. OVARC is dedicated to promoting ham radio in St. Lawrence County New York.

  • Paulding County Georgia ARES Net
    February 13, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    EchoLink WB4QOJ-R

  • AMR Club Help Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink W4BOC-R

    Weekly net of the Alford Memorial Radio Club, Stone Mountain, GA

  • Alpha Radio Club Rag Chew Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Echolink KK1JE-R, Allstar 45029 W4ECA, Allstar 53550 KR4YON
    Alpha Radio Club - Please check in and lets have a great time communicating through amateur radio.

  • Defiance, OH ARC Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  • PCARS Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink K8SRR-R

  • The Australian Ladies Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink *ALARA*

  • The Crossroads Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink *CROSSROADS*, K9DC-A, IRLP 9735

  • The Patriots Collation Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink K2SRV-R

  • Woodford County KY ARES Net
    February 13, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    EchoLink KY4WC-R

  • Winchester KY Pioneer ARC Net
    February 13, 2025  8:45 pm - 9:45 pm
    EchoLink W4PRC-R

  • RV Radio Network Net
    February 13, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

  • Rochester VHF Group Net
    February 13, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    EchoLink KA2ENE-L - Rochester VHF Group 6m SSB Net (50.200 MHz USB)

  • The Pet Net
    February 13, 2025  9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

    EchoLink *FRIENDS*, IRLP 9618

  • National History Net
    February 13, 2025  10:30 pm - 11:30 pm

  • The Minow Net
    February 13, 2025  10:30 pm - 11:30 pm

    EchoLink *ALARA* - Australian Ladies

  • The Outdoor Adventure Net
    February 13, 2025  10:30 pm - 11:30 pm

    EchoLink *WORLD*, IRLP 9251

  • PAPA Tech Roundtable Net
    February 13, 2025  11:00 pm - 11:59 pm

    Southern California's Premier Repeater (PAPA System)
    EchoLink *PAPA*, Allstar 49171, BM 31078, D-Star XRF012A
    Echolink *DODROPIN*, Allstar 52879, BM 3162356, IRLP 9616

February 14, 2025