Yaesu System Fusion Nets

January 24, 2025
  • EST - New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net
    January 24, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
    Massachusetts, USA

    Wires-X Room #28941 "Wolf-Den"
    YSF: #98899 "US-WOLFDEN"
    ECHOLINK "Wo1ves/R"


    The Wolf Pack Network features every Friday night at 8:00 PM Eastern Time called "The New England Wolf Pack Fusion Net" This net is New England centric net, and covers topics of interest to operators living in the region, as well as HAM Radio related Discussion. There will be a question of the net and a Q&A portion at the end..

  • EST - Red River Oklahoma & Texas Fusion Net
    January 24, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    Wires-X #43572 "RED-RVR-OK-TX"
    YSF: #87656 "US-RED-RVR-OKTX"

    The Friday night net is a laid-back Ragchew net usually covering technical topics. After the net is a Ragchew session called the Late Night Radio Fun Club. Y'all stop by if you can.

    Wires X room 43572
    YSF Reflector 87656

    Group link - 

January 25, 2025
  • EST - Easy To Hear Fusion Net
    January 25, 2025  9:00 am - 10:00 am

    Wires-X #43815 | FCS004/54

    * "The Easy To Hear Net"
    * Every Tuesday and Saturday morning; 9:00 AM EST (Early check-ins begin at 8:30 AM EST)
    * USA (Net Controllers from different locations in US); Eastern Time Zone
    * Net is hosted by the Friends of Amateur Radio Group on QSO America
    * Wires-X # 43815; FCS Reflector 004/54
    * Each Net Controller may bring a question or topic (may or may not be ham radio related) for each net. We typically do two rounds, the second round being what we call our "73 round"

  • EST - Ohio Valley ARES Net
    January 25, 2025  10:00 am - 11:00 am
    Ohio, USA

    Wires-X: #46488 "WV-LINK"
    YSF: #19941 "US-WV-LINK"

    Ohio Valley ARES Net
    Every Saturday starting at 10:00AM EST. 

    Six repeater pairs in Marshall County WV 
    Four are System fusion repeaters at this time 
    All Six will be 

  • American Legion Post-275 Fusion Net - EST
    January 25, 2025  12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

    Wires-X: #21433 "POST-275"

    The American Legion Post-275 Fusion Net meets on the 4th Saturday of the month.

  • Philippine-Link Wires-X Net
    January 25, 2025  5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

    Name & Call Sign
    Rom DU1YQ


    NET Description
    Philippine-Link #43534 Wires-x Net
    Philippines: Sundays, 8:00AM-10:00AM -
    USA PST: Saturdays, 5:00PM-7:00PM -
    USA EST: Saturdays, 8:00PM-10:00PM

    Reflectors: FCS 04-88, FCS 03-22, YSF 03073

  • EST - Kidz Connection Fusion Net
    January 25, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

    Wires-X #43815
    FCS00454 "QSO-America"
    AllStar Node: #506450

    Kidz Connection Net Every Saturday (9:00PM-EST) 

  • EST - KC8MTV Weekly C4FM Digital Net
    January 25, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Virginia, USA

    Wires-X: #21625 "VIRGINIA"
    Repeater: Waynesboro 145.290 MHz

    KC8MTV Weekly C4FM Digital Net is every Saturday night at 8PM ET on the KC8MTV Waynesboro, VA USA repeater 145.290 MHz repeater (Wires X Room: Virginia / 21625).  Amateur radio discussions supporting operators in Central Virginia and beyond.

  • EST - Pure Wires-X Fusion Net
    January 25, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Wires-X #43534 "PHILIPPINE-LINK" | YSF: #21367 "US-GM-YSFGATEWAY" FCS04-88 | FCS03-22

    PHILIPPINE-LINK #43534, Reflectors: FCS 04-88, FCS 03-22, YSF 21367
    Philippines: Sundays, 8:00AM-10:00AM
    USA PST: Saturdays, 5:00PM-7:00PM
    USA EST: Saturdays, 8:00PM-10:00PM


  • EST - International Wires-X Net
    January 25, 2025  9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
    United States

    WIRES-X #21080 | YSF: #32592 "US-AMERICA-LINK"

January 26, 2025
  • UFB New England System Fusion Net
    January 26, 2025  7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
    Maine, USA

    Our repeaters are linked together and connected to Wires-X room 62148, UFB New England. The network can also be accessed using reflector FCS 00339

    We hold a weekly net on Sunday at 7:30pm EST.
    All are encouraged to participate
    The UFB New England System Fusion network is maintained by a group of local Maine amateur radio operators.

  • EST - Eastern Michigan Blue Water Net
    January 26, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Detroit, MI, USA

    Every Sunday Night 8:00pm Eastern Time Zone
    Wires-X: #43274 "DETROIT-METRO"
    YSF: #50279 "US-DUDE-Link"

    Eastern Michigan Blue Water net   Every Sunday Night 8:00pm Eastern Time Zone - can be accessed via the GM Repeater: 145.210 or The Spirit of 76 Machine: 146.760. Via Wires-X 43274, YSF US Dude-Link, or DMR TGIF Talk-group 99846. Covering Eastern Michigan and Detroit. See ya there!

  • EST - Keystone State Wide Fusion Net
    January 26, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Wires-X: #60328 "KEYSTONE-WIDE"

    It is that day of the week for the Keystone Wide digital net at 8:00 PM Tonight! Football is over now and the snow is just going to dump on us. So you might as well warm up the sky with a little RF. Turn your nodes to Keystone room number #60328 or just connect via on of the networked repeaters at Skyview, Uniontown, Steel City, or Lebanon Valley.

    Also if you want to try out being net control for the net let me know at N3LRG {at} W3KWH {dit} COM. Our net control operators come from the fine clubs above.

  • EST - Ohio Link Fusion Information Net
    January 26, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    Ohio, USA

    Wires-X #40557 "OHIO-LINK" 

    This Net is to provide information about the Yaesu Wires-X linked repeater system here in the State of Ohio and surrounding area.

    Ohio Link is currently available via Wires-X / YSF room 40557.
    We host an informal net on Sunday @ 830pm, ET. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcome to check-in and say hello.


  • EST - Amateur Radio RV'rs Digital Voice Net
    January 26, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    Wires-X #45058 "QUADNET-ARRAY"

    This net meets every Sunday on the Quadnet Array at 9:00pm ET EXCEPT when the Sunday falls on a holiday weekend. Wires X - Room 45058

    More Information:


January 27, 2025
  • MST - Ladies Digital Roundtable Fusion Net
    January 27, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
    Arizona, USA

    Wires-X: #43197 "SOUTHWEST USA"
    YSF: #73102 "US SOUTHWEST-USA"

    It’s Ladies night on the radio!
    Calling all Ladies! Join us tonight and every Monday evening at 6:00 PM Arizona Mountain time, 0100 UTC, for the Ladies Digital Roundtable. You can connect with us from almost anywhere in the world by connecting to Wires-X room #43197 Southwest USA or YSF Reflector #73102 US Southwest USA. A great group of friendly lady hams meet each week and have fun chatting about various non-technical and non-radio related topics! So, if you're a licensed lady ham please join us. We also accept 3rd party traffic per FCC regulations. Monday’s suggested topic: When was the last time you tried something new? What was it? Round 2: What was the most sensible thing you’ve heard someone say?

    See ya on the radio!
    Lana, N7WST
    Lake Havasu City, Arizona

  • MST - Denver SkyHub Link Net
    January 27, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Denver, CO, USA

    Wires-X: #46361 "SKYHUBLINK"
    YSF: #92722 "US-Skyhub-Link"

    AllStar Node 46079 Skyhub
    ECHOLINK: WØSKY-L Node 985839
    Local Analog Repeater: 449.450  |  PL-103.5 

    Meets every Monday Night at 7 PM MTN across
    All linked repeaters across the system

    AND you can listen to the NET LIVE at:


    SkyHubLink/Society of Broadcast Engineers NET

    This net is run by the administrator of the SkyHub, Jack KE0VH. The net talks about topics related to Radio Broadcast and Amateur Radio. The first part is for the SBE operators to check in, then we hear from operators locally in Denver, and all over the world via the rest of the SkyHubLink system. The net generally runs 2 hours so check in when you can. We usually have a net question of the night and it always sparks good idea’s and information to share from ALL of our experiences in Ham Radio.

    The Net is open and ALL Amateur Radio operators are asked to check in with us.  If you would like to be on the NET email list go to the Join/Contact page of SkyHubLink.com 

    Please see this link for more information: 



    IF you would like to have a NET on the SkyHub Link system contact us for scheduling and information.

  • CST - BAKKEN Technical Fusion Net
    January 27, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Minnesota, USA

    Wires-X: #21493 "MNWIS-FUSION"
    YSF: #21493 “US-MNWIS----RDNT”

    This is a Fusion, Wires-X Technical "Traffic Only" net..
    If you have a question please 
    check in and we will do our best to help you -  All are welcome to join.

    The "BARS" BAKKEN Amateur Radio Society Fusion Net is held Monday nights at 7:30pm CST - 8:30pm Eastern (0230 UTC Tuesday, 0130 UTC Summer time) in WiRES-X Room #21493.

    W0MDT 444.525,
    AD0MI 443.250,
    KE0ATF 444.450 
    K9EQ 444.075 FM repeater. 

    For More Information:

  • EST - International Boy Scout Fusion Net
    January 27, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Wires-X #62145 "KAPIHAN"
    YSF: #10482 "KAPIHAN"


    All Scouts.. Scout Masters.. Parents.. HAMS.. Etc.. are encouraged to check in to the NET tonight with an opportunity to get on the air and get to talk to scouts around the world! Spread the word and make this NET a great source to communicate in the Scouting community.

    Amateur radio is an integral part of the BSA experience. There is a yearly event for the BSA and amateur radio called the Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) in which scouts from around the world take to the airwaves to learn about radios and talk to other scouts. There's a radio merit badge as well as an amateur radio patch you can wear on your uniform if you are a licensed operator. Adult leaders can even earn the "Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award".

    After working together for nearly a century to provide Scouts with the ability to learn radio communication skills, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for Amateur Radio, have officially teamed up by signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU).  This MOU designates the ARRL as a key resource for K2BSA and Radio Merit Badge training at the BSA National Scout Jamboree and establishes the ARRL as the go-to source for Scouts interested in learning about and becoming involved in radio communication.

    Wires-X:  #62145 KAPIHAN | FCS: FC00347 KAPIHAN | YSF: #10482 KAPIHAN  | Brandmeister DMR: TG-51547 | AllStar: #40364 | Echolink: KAPIHAN 515940Peanut: World MS / PH

  • EST - Kokomo System Fusion Net
    January 27, 2025  8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    Kokomo, IN, USA

    Wires-X: #40968 - KOKOMO-AREA | W9KRC-RPT KOKOMO-AREA Room

    Join us every Monday at 8pm Eastern, room #40968 (Kokomo-Area) for a laid back, general check in net! All licensed amateurs are invited and encouraged to check in. I run Net Logger (www.netlogger.org) so you can follow along if you have the software running. Stop on in and say hi! 

  • EST - Net With No Name Fusion Net
    January 27, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    Tennessee, USA

    Wires-X #43815 "QSO-AMERICA" | FCS: 00454 | AllStar Node: #506450

    * "Net With No Name"
    * Every Monday and Wednesday evening; 9:00 PM EST (Early check-ins begin at 8:30 PM EST).
    * USA (Net Controller from different locations in US); Eastern Time Zone
    * Net is hosted by the Friends of Amateur Radio Group on QSO America
    * Wires-X # 43815; FCS Reflector 004/54
    * Each Net Controller brings a question or topic (may or may not be ham radio related) for each net. We typically do two rounds, the second round being what we call our "73 round"

January 28, 2025
  • EST - Easy To Hear Fusion Net
    January 28, 2025  9:30 am - 10:30 am

    Wires-X #43815 | FCS004/54

    Easy To Hear Net is on Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; 9:00 AM EST (Early check-ins begin at 8:30 AM EST) USA (Net Controllers from different locations in US); Eastern Time Zone  Net is hosted by the Friends of Amateur Radio Group on QSO America

    Wires-X # 43815; FCS Reflector 004/54
    Each Net Controller may bring a question or topic (may or may not be ham radio related) for each net. We typically do two rounds, the second round being what we call our "73 round"

  • CST - Cave Area Fusion Net
    January 28, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Kentucky, USA

    Wires-X: #68675 "KY4X-ROOM"
    YSF: #40438 "US-KK4OVW-TN-YTR"

    Every Tuesday @ 7:00 CST

    Cave Area Fusion Net, Kentucky's newest digital net. Brought to you by the same folks that bring you the Cave City Hamfest, Mammoth Cave Amateur Radio Club

    website: http://www.ky4x.org/

    Local Repeater Frequencies:
    146.940 PL Tone 114.8 - Glasgow, KY
    146.895 PL Tone 114.8 - Bonnieville, KY
    444.925 No Pl (Echolink KY4X-R) Glasgow, KY
    444.850 PL Tone 114.8 - Bonnieville, KY

  • EST - North Ottawa Amateur Radio Club Net
    January 28, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Michigan, USA

    Wires-X #21335 "WM-CONNECT" | YSF: "US-WM-CONNECT"

    West Michigan System Fusion (WMSF) Digital Net runs on 17 Linked Repeaters Serving Western Michigan Every Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M. Hosted by North Ottawa Amateur Radio Club On WM-Connect Wires-X room #21335.

  • UFB New England System Fusion SKYWARN Net
    January 28, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Maine, USA

    We hold a weekly SKYWARN  net on Tuesday @ 7:00pm EST. All are encouraged to participate.

    The UFB New England System Fusion network is maintained by a group of local Maine amateur radio operators.

    Our repeaters are linked together and connected to Wires-X room 62148, UFB New England. The network can also be accessed using reflector FCS 00339.

  • CST - Nebraska Ragchew Fusion Net
    January 28, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Nebraska, USA

    Wires-X: #21659 "NEBRASKA-HUB" 
    YSF: #81822  "US-NEBRASKAHUB" 
    FCS003-27 Reflector.
    Echo-Link: "K9NHP-L"

    Nebraska Ragchew Net Tuesdays@7:30 PM Central.
    This is a Nebraska linked repeater system net-All stations are welcome. 

  • UK - North West Fusion Group Connected Net
    January 28, 2025  7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    England, UK

    Wires-X: #41755 "NWFG"
    YSF: #41142 "GB-XLX969"
    FCS00428 "NWFG"

    Weekly, every Tuesday at UK time 19.30hrs
    2:30pm Eastern Time

    North West Fusion Group Connected Net hosted by Sue, G1OHH from her tower of power in Lancaster, North West England. All welcome via the North West Fusion Group network on your local WiresX connected Repeater, Gateway, or Node, room #41755 (NWFG) or YSF Reflector YSF #41142 (GB-XLX969) or FCS00428 on your Hotspot or reflector connected Repeater or Gateway. 

    Providing support in the use of C4FM across Northern England and the UK/worldwide. The home connection of GB7FD, GB7MB, GB7WM, GB7DH, and many Gateways. WiresX Room: #41755, FCS00428. We also provide infrastructure for the Blind Hams UK Fusion Network.

  • CST - Red River Oklahoma and Texas Area Fusion SIMPLEX Net
    January 28, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Oklahoma, USA

    Frequency : 145.5625 (Fusion Digital Narrow with Group Monitor)

    This is a weekly net, Tuesdays 8:00 pm central time

    Red River Oklahoma and Texas Area Fusion SIMPLEX Net
    Frequency : 145.5625 (Fusion Digital Narrow with Group Monitor)
    Location : EM04qf - I-44 OK/TX border

    Early check-ins from 7:45 to 8:00pm via Group Monitor
    Voice portion begins at 8:00pm, taking the early check-ins traffic first.

    FTM100dr - 8 element 2m Yagi @ 50' can change polarization
    After the early check-ins I will call the net clockwise around the compass 
    starting with due north.


  • EST - Indiana Wires-X Wide Area Digital Net
    January 28, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Indiana, USA

    Wires-X #43844 "INDIANA-LINK-SO" | YSF: #14689 "Indiana-Link-So"

    You are invited to check in to the Indiana Link South Wide Area Digital Net each Tuesday evening at 8pm Eastern Time. If you do not have a local repeater in your area link to Room 43844 via Wires X. 

    For more information visit www.indianalinksouth.com.

  • EST - The 3730’s Canada-Link Digital Net
    January 28, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

    Wires-X: #40505  "----Canada-Link"

    Tonight! 8:00 PM Eastern KA1BZE at the helm of the Canada-Link net.

    If you are on your digital radio tonight, tune in to The World Famous 3730’s Canada-Link Digital Net.

    Canada-Link Multi Mode Digital Net every Tuesday at 8:00 PM Eastern. The net will be linked into...

    Brandmeister Talk Group #30236 Canada Link
    FCS #001/17 Canada
    Shark RF Server

    Learn more about this at


    XMA Header Image
    3730/VE3ORF Amateur Radio Group

  • EST - A.R.T.S. Club of Louisville Fusion Net
    January 28, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    Kentucky, USA

    Wires-X #21014 "CQ-Louisville"
    EchoLink: #634824 "KE4JVM-R"

    The A.R.T.S. Club of Louisville will be hosting Fusion/Wires-X Net every Tuesday night @ 8:30PM EST.

    For information on the A.R.T.S. Club you can visit our website www.w4cn.org

  • EST - Tri-Cities / Mountain Empire Fusion Net
    January 28, 2025  9:30 pm - 10:30 pm
    Tennessee, USA

    Wires-X #43815 | Backup Wires-X Room: #61243

    The Tri-Cities/Mountain Empire Fusion Net emanates from the Tri-Cities, TN area consisting of counties in Northeast, TN and the Mountain Empire of VA consisting of counties in Southwest, VA. The net uses Wires-X room 61243 (Bristol-ARC) primary and 40843 (MEARS) as a back up.

    Welcome to the 145.150 repeater on Viking Mountain in Greenville, TN.

    Each net we now feature a town of the net. If you would like to recommend a town in the TCME area please email dye474@gmail.com. You are welcome to present the town yourself. Click here to download PDF document for a suggested submission format.
    For More Information: https://qsl.net/tcme/

January 29, 2025
  • EST - MAARC Maritime Fusion Net
    January 29, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
    Moncton, NB, Canada

    Wires-X: #60207 - "CQ-MARITIMES"
    YSF: None

    The Maritime (Canada) Fusion Net meets each Wednesday night at 7:00 pm (ATL) 6 pm (Eastern Time) in the CQ Maritimes Room 60207.  Amateurs from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island are invited to take part.

    After all Maritime stations are called in, stations from outside the area will have a chance to take part. This is a joint effort between the West Cumberland ARC in Amherst, NS and the Moncton & Area ARC in Moncton, NB.

    For more information: 

  • EST - C4FM Fusion Digital Net
    January 29, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Florida, USA

    Wires-X: #21805 "W4WJN-ROOM"
    YSF: None

    Net Starts At 8:00PM - 7:30PM - EST. For Early Check-Ins

    C4FM Fusion Digital Net

    Lee County, Fort Myers Florida - ARES
  • EST - Southeast TAG Multimode Digital Net
    January 29, 2025  7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Tennessee, USA

    Wires-X: #43389 "--SOUTHEAST-LINK"

    YSF: #43389 "US-SoutheastLink"

    YCS: YCS310, Room 36

    FCS31036 / DG-ID 36

    Join the discussion using whatever flavor of digital radio you like, or analog bridges, with the Southeast Link! We meet each Wednesday at 7:30pm eastern for the TAG (TN, AL, GA) Multimode Digital Net

  • CST - Illinois Digital Fusion Net
    January 29, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Illinois, USA

    Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. Central Time

    Wires-X #21565 "Illinois-Link" | YSF: #83132 "Illinois Link"

    Join us for the Illinois Digital Net every Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. Central Time.

    Also join us on our Facebook page...


  • CST - CQ North Dakota Fusion Net
    January 29, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    North Dakota, USA

    Wires-X #62208 "CQ-NODAK" | YSF: #62208 "US-CQ-NODAK-A-ZX" | Echolink: NDØB-L #424258

    The CQ North Dakota net is every Wednesday at 7:30pm CST in Wires-X and YSF room 62208 - Echolink: NDØB-L #424258
    CQ North Dakota is a multi-mode internet repeater linking system, allowing for communications across the state of North Dakota and around the world. This system is open for any licensed Amateur Radio operator to use, no matter where you may be. All stations are welcome.
    The network is based on two “hubs”, one at North Dakota State University hosting the Wires-X Room, and one in Cathay, ND which houses the linking to IRLP, Allstar, and Echolink.

    The following repeaters are connected to the CQ North Dakota network on a full time basis unless otherwise noted.
    147.090 MHz – WØHSC Fargo, ND (Fusion)
    The NDSU Amateur Radio Society hosts this repeater as well as the CQ-NODAK Wires-X Room (#62208). This repeater is runs in AMS mode (analog and digital) but only the digital side links into the room. WØHSC is connected to this room full time except for special occasions.
    443.800 MHz – WØEND Wahpeton, ND (Fusion)
    147.330 MHz – NØLAC Grand Forks, ND (Fusion)
    Hosted by the Lake Agassiz Radio club. They host a net in the room Wednesdays at 7:30pm. All licensed operators are welcome to check-in.
    146.670 MHz (PL 123) – NDØB Carrington, ND (Analog)
    147.2400 MHz (PL 123) – KFØHR Maddock, ND (Analog)
    146.880 MHz (PL 123) – WDØFFQ Devils Lake, ND (Analog)
    146.970 MHz (PL 67.0) – KAØAJW Minot, ND (Analog)
    Minot only connects in for their net, which is Sundays at 7pm. All licensed operators are welcome to check-in.
    For more information : https://cqnodak.com/

  • MST - Southwest Digital Roundtable
    January 29, 2025  8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    Arizona, USA

    Wires-X: #43197  "SOUTHWEST-USA"
    YSF: #73102  "US-Southwest-USA"

    Lake Havasu Repeater - DN only - 448.350

    Net starts at 6:30PM MST - All HAMS are welcome!
    Repeaters and nodes covering western America.

  • EST - Amateur Radio Astronomy Digital Net
    January 29, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    YSF:  #35947 "XLX307"
    Wires-X:  #45058 

    AMATEUR RADIO ASTRONOMY DIGITAL VOICE NET - Every Wednesday on the Quadnet Array at 9:00pm ET (02:00 UTC)

    We are continuing our series called THE VIRTUAL TOUR OF THE NIGHT SKY. Each week we select a section of the night sky and discuss the observations of what you see in that area. This week's discussion will be THE SEVEN SISTERS CONSTELLATION CALLED PLEIADES. What would you do if you had seven sisters? Please stop by and join the conversation.


    YSF:  #35947 "XLX307"
    Wires-X:  #45058 
    D-STAR Smart Groups (recommended way to access the Array on D-STAR) DSTAR1 or DSTAR2
    D-STAR Reflectors XRF757A, XRF735A, XLX307D and XLX049D
    Brandmeister DMR Talk group 31012
    DMR Plus talk group 320 (on the IPSC2-QuadNet Server)

    This net meets every Wednesday on the Quadnet Array at 9:00pm ET (02:00 UTC) except when falling on a holiday.

  • EST - CQ Canada Fusion Net
    January 29, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    Wires-X: #40678 "CQ-CANADA-VE1AO"
    FCS00319 "CQ-Canada-Wednesday"
    FCS00280 "CANADA-ENG"

    All HAMS, Repeaters, and Nodes are welcome to connect.

    CQ Canada VE1AO NODE Fusion net
    The net takes place every Wednesday evening starting at 6 PM in the Pacific, 9 PM Eastern, 10 PM Atlantic time zones and all time zones in between. So that is 0200 UTC. (0100 UTC daylight savings).

    *** Please Note: This group is not affiliated with the other group called, CQ Canada Wires X room 46645.

    The group is open to all license radio amateur radio operators in the world. This group was created to permit amateur through out Canada to network and inform us what is happening in their radio life via the WIRES-X network. VA7REF repeater will provide the link the FCS002-80 reflector. So if you have an OpenSpot or a DV4Mini, you too can join the net. Check ins will be by provinces within the time zones and starting over again by states. Followed by International stations. So to review, Newfoundland time first, ending in Yukon Time last.


  • EST - Net With No Name Fusion Net
    January 29, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

    Wires-X #43815
    FCS: 00454
    AllStar Node: #506450

    * "Net With No Name"
    * Every Monday and Wednesday evening; 9:00 PM EST (Early check-ins begin at 8:30 PM EST).
    * USA (Net Controller from different locations in US); Eastern Time Zone
    * Net is hosted by the Friends of Amateur Radio Group on QSO America
    * Wires-X # 43815; FCS Reflector 004/54
    * Each Net Controller brings a question or topic (may or may not be ham radio related) for each net. We typically do two rounds, the second round being what we call our "73 round"

January 30, 2025
  • EST - Easy To Hear Fusion Net
    January 30, 2025  9:00 am - 10:00 am

    Wires-X: #43815 | FCS:004/54
    FCS00454 "QSO-America"

    Easy To Hear Net is on Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; 9:00 AM EST (Early check-ins begin at 8:30 AM EST) USA (Net Controllers from different locations in US); Eastern Time Zone  Net is hosted by the Friends of Amateur Radio Group on QSO America

    Wires-X # 43815; FCS Reflector 004/54
    Each Net Controller may bring a question or topic (may or may not be ham radio related) for each net. We typically do two rounds, the second round being what we call our "73 round"

  • UK - The Fusion All Stars Net
    January 30, 2025  3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
    United Kingdom

    YSF: #48460 "GB-ALLSTARS-UK"

    The Fusion All Stars Net, Every Thursday @ 8.30pm UTC/GMT YSF GB-ALLSTARS-UK 48460, Net Controller: 2E0NNG - Ross, Back Up Chair: 2E0OLN - Andy.

    A UK based net, for general chat, all are welcome to join us

  • MST - Idaho Digital Fusion Net
    January 30, 2025  6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
    Idaho, USA

    Wires-X: #43210 "MVARC-IDAHO"
    YSF: #43210 "US-MVARC----KBNA"

    Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club
    - Digital Fusion Network -

    For more Club Information - www.k7mva.org

  • EST - Zombie Alert Net
    January 30, 2025  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Michigan, USA

    Wires-X: #28298 "ZOMBIE-ALERT-NET"
    YSF: #88240 "ZOMBIE-ALERT"

    Zombie Alert Net is a fantastic net, with participation from all over the world. Usually there is a topic, but participants are free to discuss anything. This is sponsored by the Utica Shelby Emergency Communication Association (USECA).

  • EST - Fusion Net This Week
    January 30, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Florida, USA

    Wires-X: #80751 "ND1C-ROOM3"
    YSF: #80751 "US-Daytona-North"
    Local Repeater: 145.390 Flagler County Florida

    Very laid back Swap meeting and discussion of all things Fusion

  • EST - General Fusion Swap Net
    January 30, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Florida, USA

    Wires-X: #80751 "ND1C-ROOM3"
    YSF: #80751 "US-Daytona-North"

    Hosted Locally on the 145.390 in Flagler County FL
    Linked to the 146.715 and the 443.900 in Putnam Co FL.

    Every Thursday 8pm Eastern ND1CRoom3 Node 80751 General Fusion Net and Swap net Last about an Hour The room is also on YSF US Daytona-North 80751 Hosted Locally on the 145.390 in Flagler County FL Linked to the 146.715 and the 443.900 in Putnam Co FL 

    General Fusion Rag Chew following the net.

  • EST - West Virginia Country Roads Net
    January 30, 2025  8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    West Virginia, USA

    Wires-X: #46488  "WV-LINK"

    West Virginia Country Roads net is held on Thursday evenings at 8pm EST in room 46488 WV-LINK. All are welcome to join the net that has been on for over a year.

  • EST - Thursday Night Fusion Chat
    January 30, 2025  9:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    Virginia, USA

    Wires-X: #65776 "AE4JA-ROOM"
    YSF: None

    Local Repeater: 442.200  AMS  PL:107.2 

    Thursday Night Fusion Chat. Each Thursday, 9:00 pm Eastern. AE4JA-RPT - Wires-X Room 65776